Thursday, October 20, 2011

You can be a professional writer.

The purpose of this article is to let the reader know that there are many websites online that pay you to write original content.
Today I want to talk about a online site I have been writing on for around a year and have had good success with it is called Hubpages.

Click here to join Hubpages for free and get started making extra cash writing articles.

Hubpages is really easy to use, and it can be used to make yourself some decent cash if you work at it everyday and write good quality content.
They are constantly running contests that you can enter to win cash prizes for your writing and you will meet some very nice people there as well.

How do I write a Hub?
After you have created your free account login and click on the Start a New Hub tab on the top right hand side.
Then you will choose a title or Name you hub.
This also gives your hub a unique web address
Then you will select which category your hub belongs in, for example if you are writing a hub about NFL football , you would click on sports & recreation,then team sports then NFL football.
Next you will select a layout for 4 different templates.
Finally you will give your hub some tags or keywords.
Again if you are writing about NFL Football here would be some keywords

  • NFL
  • National Football League
  • Pro Football
  • Football
  • Green Bay Packers
  • Brett Favre
  • 2011 Schedule
  • Predictions for The Saints
Then you click the continue button and you are on a screen where you have all the tools you need right in front of you to build your hub.
I always write a summary.
If you will look on the right hand side and click where it says summary,this is where you write a brief description of what this hub is about.
Again I will use the 2011 NFK football for my example of a effective summary.
The purpose of this hub is to provide the reader my opinion of what is going to happen in the 2011 NFL football season etc.
If you use any pictures in your hubs make sure that you own them and if not to give the proper photo credits.
It really is just that simple to start making money off your writing.
Some of the best earners are people who only write about one "niche" such as recipes for example.
Just think you can write an article about a family recipe and take a picture of it and make money off that article for years to come.
Don't get me wrong writing is not a get rich quick thing it is something that if you work hard at it everyday and put out quality hubs you will make money in the long run.
It is just like most things in life you get out of it what you put in.

How do you get paid?

Once you have joined the site and published a hub you can go to the my account tab (on the top right hand side of the screen) then click on earning tabs, you can configure your Google Adsense,HubPages Ad Program and your Amazon affiliate accounts.They are all listed under Affiliate Settings.
You will have to read over Google's and decide how you want to get paid from them,many people use the PPC (pay per click) method and just have it direct deposited into your checking account,but you can have them mail you a paper check if you'd prefer.

HubPages splits the impressions with you in the following way:
  1. Your own Hubs: Hubbers receive 60% of total impressions.
  2. The HubPages Affiliate (or Referral) Program: You can refer new writers to HubPages and if they become Hubbers within 30 days, you receive an additional 10% of their Hubs’ lifetime impressions.
  3. Traffic Referral Program: If you send traffic to any Hub, you’re entitled to either 9% or 12% of total impressions. You’ll receive 9% if the Hub you’ve referred people to already has impressions allocated to an Affiliate. If there are no Affiliates, you’ll receive 12% of the total impressions.
Whatever is left from the splits above goes to HubPages. Note that these splits apply only to Hubs and User Profile pages. On all other pages, such as a referral to a Tag page or the HubPages home page, you’ll receive 30% on a traffic referral, with HubPages getting the rest.

Please note that is you live in CA, Amazon is not accepting new affiliates right now so you will have to wait until a later date until you can make any money from amazon unless you already have an affiliate account with them.

The amazon tool is a great way to add income to your hubs, just click the box on the right that say Amazon and add in whatever is relavant to the hub you are writing and if they buy it from your link you get 20% commission.
There are people making 6 figure incomes doing just that alone right now.

I want you to make good money writing and I will do anything I can to help you.
Just drop me a email and I will get back to you.

Until next time - I will leave you with the best book ever for anyone writing a blog who wants to maximize profits from it!

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